Family Care Plan

I need to write my FCP letter today. I’ve been putting it off because it’s such a big deal. I know my parents are keeping him and they’ll do a great job, but…it’s still leaving my baby in someone elses hands. Plus, I’m not really sure how detailed to be. Basically, I need to write what the arrangements are.
I’m not even certain it has to be written yet. My recruiter sent me an email with all of the FCP docs, some of which have to be notarized, but didn’t say anything about the letter. The only reason I know there’s a letter is that one of the docs says so.

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Quick note on excercise

I am having a hard time getting into gear with where I want to be excercise wise.

I want to be running at least 20 minutes every day and doing at least 3 sets each of 15 push ups and 20 sit ups; plus squats, calf raises and various other things to get my butt in shape for basic. I want to be doing this now so that I can gradually increase the load and be in pretty good shape heading to basic.  I’m currently running around a mile most days and doing maybe 2 sets of 10 push ups (girly ones!) and 10 sit ups. *Hangs head* I feel like I should be doing better!

The problem is, I know I have almost a year and the “do it tomorrow” voice is very convincing at 6 AM after the baby’s been awake in the middle of the night and I stayed up watching The Tudors later than I should have (hey, at least I’m honest). Plus, it’s starting to get cold and I HATE running in the cold…I hate doing pretty much anything in the cold.

So I lay there in bed and rationalize how one day off isn’t a big deal. And maybe it isn’t. A day off a week (plus weekends off) isn’t too terrible…is it? I get disappointed with myself when I skip, but oh how nice my bed feels!

I need to buckle down and stop making excuses and just do it!

Gaining Weight – It Ain’t Easy!

Ok stop rolling your eyes and making snarky comments about how you wish you had that problem…It really isn’t that easy to gain weight when you have to. I have to!

A few weeks ago, when I first went and talked with my recruiter, I found out I’m underweight. If I weighed myself after I ate, I’d be right at weight. So, it’s not like I’m horribly under, just a little.

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The Decision

I’ve always wanted to join the military…well, since I can remember anyway. In high school, I was going to join the Air Force and go to the Academy. But, for various reasons I’m not going to discuss here, I decided not to. Instead, I went to community college, earning an AA, and then bounced around to various universities not accomplishing much. I was married, divorced, married again…and yes divorced again. My second marriage gave me a wonderful son, Avery, who is 16 months old as of this past Monday. Because of him, joining the Reserves was NOT an easy decision.

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