
Well, it looks like I might be heading back up to MEPS again…but this time to join the Air Force active duty. I know I know, how dare I switch branches! Trust me, it’s tough to change gears like that, I mean I already knew my general orders and was all about “Go Army” and stuff…now Air Force, I think I got whiplash!

I won’t give up any details now…shhhh…. but I may start posting my experiences again…guess I’ll have to change the title of my blog?

Final post

I’m sorry to say, I’m not joining the Army Reserves after all. It was a very difficult decision to make, but I feel it is the right one for me and my son. If my situation was different, I would absolutely be joining and I respect and wish any one joining the best of luck, in any military branch.

John and I broke up over misrepresentations and our lives going in different directions.

I got a part-time job and am going to go to school in the Spring.

I’m not going to delete this blog incase anyone finds anything useful here. If you have any questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to ask. I got through most of it, so I may be able to help…or atleast tell you where you may find help.

Thank you to all of you who have read my blog and joined me on my too-short journey. Please feel free to visit my other blog:


MEPS Tomorrow

Tomorrow I head up to Baltimore for 2 days for MEPS processing.

I weighed myself today and I’m up to 128 lbs (yay me!) and John and his family dutifully fed me dinner with instructions to eat more before I go to bed, plus he’s taking me out to breakfast in the morning before he drops me off at the recruiter’s…hey, every little bit helps. I just really don’t want to have to go back through MEPS again because I’m underweight the first time.

So, I have all my paperwork together: SSN, Birth Cert, HS diploma, Driver’s license, etc. AND I got my FCP signed and notarized, so I can turn that in tomorrow. I also have to give them a copy of both (shut up) divorce decrees and all that jazz. Hopefully I’m all squared away with the paperwork, even though I’m sure there will be mountains more.

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Reserve Preps for ‘Uncertain’ Future

Interesting article from Reserve Preps for ‘Uncertain’ Future.

I wouldn’t mind the Reserves getting closer to Active, but it sounds like it’s going to be a budget issue more then a “what do we do with them issue.” Just makes me wish I was going Active more and more.

Hair in the Army

When I decided I was joining the army I was about to get my hair cut anyway, the two just happened to coincide on coincidence. That said, I’ve decided I’m definitely keeping it short at least through AIT.

I got it cut shorter today, and love it! It’s basically a long fade in the back and maybe an inch and a half on top. I can faux hawk it if I want, part it and look neat, wear it messy, or just whatever. (I put pictures below)

While the hairdresser was chopping away, I had to wonder: why would a female leave her hair long during Basic?

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